I initially heard about the healing rooms from a friend at church and decided to research more about exactly what a John G. Lake healing rooms is.
Upon arriving, the environment was very refreshing and inviting with worship music. I was presented with a paper to fill out to address some areas I needed healing in. A group of four people invited me into a room after beliievng God to reveal to them what I had written on the info sheet.
Each person gave me what God gave them. One, in particular, walked me through the healing of my late father, as I had not properly grieved due to my age when I lost him. It brought much relief and a weight off of my shoulders. I cried, but they were so gracious and allowed the Holy Spirit to flow.
The healing rooms is definitely an experience for those seeking true healing in any are of your life. You will be welcomed to share anything without judgement. They truly believe and receive words from God to help you identify and ccome to terms with issues in your life. 2017 - J.S.
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A week after we've prayed, I began to experience heaing in my body; and that it is without help of medical interventions like injections or medicine. Today, I'm able to even go to the fym to teach a class, which I haven't done for almost a month. I still have to go back to the doctor for followup in about a month, and I've been doing physical therapy, but I feel it's God who ultimately heals. I am feeling so very much better and that I eventually will be free from the littel residual ache.
I think you and Jasmine and James for your encouraging prayers and to our Lord Jesus, who is the only one who can truly heal. Amen!
3 /14/2022 - YP. W